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Experimental circus company

Alba Sarraute is a Catalan circus artist with a long career as a solo show creator:

("Seriously tragicomedy", "The flight show, the fragility of calm", "Looking at Yukali", "I am the other (La Diva)".


She has also worked as an interpreter with directors such as Andrès Lima in Madrid and Giorgio Barberio Corsetti in Rome. Where have you found the theater and circus language that your company wants to direct?


She has directed shows such as "La femme de Trop" by Marcel et ses drôle de femmes or "La Tempesta de Shakespeare" with the Cronopis collective.


And this is her ambition: to create a company of her own to work on the classical dramaturgy of the circus. Based on the characters and the boundary quotations they live; discovering how with the body we can also share tragic or comic stories, without the need for just the word.



Tel: Joaquim Aragó 664 22 01 50
       Pere Vilarubla 651 13 44 91


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La meva pel·lícula 6

La meva pel·lícula 6

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